The Cities We Serve: Valley Center

Would you like to live near a hellhole? You’d be surprised how many people would!

Valley Center, a small community in northern San Diego County, is home to the Hellhole Canyon Preserve, a 1,900-acre nature reserve that, despite its provocative name, features beautiful scenery and stunning ocean views. It’s a popular hiking spot among the 10,000 or so residents who call Valley Center home.

This is wonderful country living, so it’s no wonder that Ma Williams is a regular visitor to Valley Center, working with customers there to locate the manufactured home of their dreams.

If you’ve ever visited you know this quiet hamlet has a very colorful history: It was originally called Bear Valley, following the 1866 apprehension of the largest California Grizzly Bear ever captured (2,200 pounds!). The stuffed bear at the town’s history museum is not the same one, but it’s big enough to draw more than 30,000 tourists every year. The Valley Center Stampede Rodeo Festival, held every Memorial Day weekend, also brings thousands of visitors to enjoy a celebration of Southern California’s western heritage.

You don’t have to be a farmer to live here but you’ll be surrounded by farms growing crops such as oranges, lemons and avocados. There are also animal farms supplying eggs to grocery stores – and you might even spot a few llamas.

Most of the main shopping and dining opportunities are in San Diego, close enough for easy access but far enough away so your lifestyle won’t be impaired by noise, crowds and traffic congestion.

Considering a move to Valley Center? You’ll be in good company. Among those who lived or spent time there are Hollywood legends John Wayne, Fred Astaire and Mae West. It is also home to several retired NFL players – which means those pick-up touch football games in the park might get pretty competitive.

If you are ever in the market for a manufactured home in Valley Center, let Ma Williams help you find the perfect home in the perfect location.

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