Having worked in the manufactured home industry for decades, and having helped thousands of people move into the home of their dreams, we are still amazed at the surprise others experience when they realize manufactured homes are, in every way that matters, just like “real” homes.
Of course, even phrasing it that way suggests that there’s something not “real” about a home that wasn’t built in the traditional way. That perception vanishes after prospective home buyers see the beauty, quality, spaciousness and durability of factory-built residences, not to mention the lower price attached to the home that fits their family just right.
This topic has surfaced again because of a video that has been shared or referenced on various manufactured home industry sites. In it, a new manufactured homeowner shares the reactions that guests have to where he’s living now. This quote stood out:
“People that come into my home are like, “Oh my gosh…This isn’t a manufactured home, this is just like what I’m living in.”
Yes, it can be frustrating to hear this. But ultimately it’s a good thing. Some of those surprised visitors may wish to move one day, and when that happens they’ll remember that experience and consider manufactured homes alongside stick-built residences. People are skeptical only until they realize that their preconceived notions don’t hold up.
So if you’re looking for a bigger home to accommodate a growing family, or a smaller home now that the kids have grown up and moved away, why not take a look at what today’s manufactured homes have to offer? Ma Williams works with some of the top manufacturers in the industry, featuring a wide array of floor plans and all the special features you need to turn a house into a loving home.